Friday, 17 August 2012

Twitter announces draconian new API changes

Fans of alternative Twitter clients may be annoyed to hear the latest announcement from the blue bird company. Twitter is implementing some stringent new restrictions on those creating Twitter apps.

Basically Twitter does not want to developers to create apps which 'mimic or reproduce' the functionality of Twitter's own website or mobile apps. Speaking on the company's official blog, they specifically called out popular Twitter client Tweetbot.

... includes, of course, "traditional" Twitter clients like Tweetbot and Echofon. Nearly eighteen months ago, we gave developers guidance that they should not build client apps that mimic or reproduce the mainstream Twitter consumer client experience." And to reiterate what I wrote in my last post, that guidance continues to apply today.

The 'guidlines', which come into effect from today, limit the amount of uses that a particular client can have. Essentially, any given app can now only have 200% the amount of users that it has today. This means that Tweetbot, Seesmic and countless others now have a cap on user numbers.

Are you annoyed at Twitter's new restrictions?

UPDATE: Tweetbot creators have spoken out to say the 'sky is not falling' and while the cap is annoying, the app has plenty of room to breathe going forward.